Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My first first

It turns out that my first - first experience of leaving NYC and moving to Singapore starts off in the small studio apartment that is still in NYC. If you are curious what that experience is, you should know that you are doing it right now, only on the other side. Confused? let me clear this up quickly. After speaking with a bushy headed friend of mine by the name of Bernie Sanders, he suggested that I start a blog about my thoughts, experiences, and travels while living on the other side of the world. I'm hoping that this commitment will do a few things. 1) Keep my friends and family informed of my general whereabouts and goings on 2) Inspire me to be more adventurous and spontaneous 3) Record a hopefully exciting year that I can look back on 4) To kill time since I'll be in a country where I know no one.

So there it is. I've read (a few) blogs but I've never made one myself so bare with me as I get the hang of this. I figure the most logical place to start is to tell people why and how I'm even in the situation where I'm moving to Singapore. For those of you who don't know (and for those who do that's why there is a scroll bar 8 inches to the right) I am moving to Singapore to leave my current position as a Business Manager take a new role within Deutsche Bank as a Project Manager. This is came about in a microcosmic way when I entered the Management Development Program (from now on referred to as MDP) and picked up momentum in July where it took a few twists and turns until today. The Global Head of Operations essentially started a program to "fast track" key employees and as part of this program international travel was "strongly encouraged". While some people were a bit reluctant, I raised my hand as someone who embraced this kind of opportunity. Not atypical to the rest of my life, I knew I wanted to travel, but didn't really know where. It wasn't too long before my choice began to be made for me. With a difficult market, and the nearshoring and offshoring of high cost jobs to more remote and cheaper locations, finding a job in a "desirable" area proved difficult. My mentor seemed to indicate that India was the place to go given our growing presence there. My one senior boss who headed Emerging Markets felt that Brazil was the best opportunity. With time slipping by (it's only a 3 year program) and no solid leads in either Singapore or Australia where I inquired about, I decided to agree to pursue Brazil. Spoiler alert you already know this doesn't happen but you will have to wait until the next blog to find out how.

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