Saturday February 13 2010
When animals attack is the first thing that comes to mind as I step into the cage. Why was I doing this again? Aiola asked if I was scared, I say well, it IS a tiger.
When our driver asked if we wanted to go to Tiger Kingdom I was thinking that watching tigers could be cool. When he started telling me that we could actually get in with the tigers I thought that his broken English was failing him. His English was fine, it was my comprehension that was a bit slow.
Again for a ridiculously low price you too can get into a tiger cage with your own private photographer who will capture what may be the coolest day of your life. Sorry mom, I know I said I would be careful, but this was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. It’s intimidating to see a full grown tiger up close, even if he is laying down. 400 pounds of rippling muscle and power is humbling. Just knowing that one swift motion with his paw would spill my insides put the hesitation in my movements as I crept closer to the majestic feline at the request of the trainer and cameraman. I slowly pet his back paw and tail working my way up to his mid section. Despite being asked to lay down next to the tiger my natural instinct told me this is crazy. After a few minutes I worked up the nerve to follow the instructions I was being given. After all, what did I have to worry about, the trainers one foot bamboo stick should be more than enough to thwart any attack by a killing machine. Where the hell was the tranq gun and the whip? Swallowing my fear, I eventually got cozy with the tiger laying my weight on him and pulling my arm around his mid section. What an incredible feeling! Aiola followed suit not bothering to go through the warm up routine that I went through, feeling quite comfortable with the tiger from the start. (I’d like to think that I was brave to go first and that she was just pulling from my courage). A few more top model shots and we called this photo shoot a rap.
The rest of the day pretty much pales in comparison, but for completeness sake, we then went a jade shop where Aiola did what she does best – bargained. There was a blue Safire ring that she was pining after but being the tough negotiator she is, she walked away only to sweeten the deal with our driver who had a contact with the dealer who gave her an offer she couldn’t resist (shout out to Vito).
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